
Teacher Evaluation Flexibilities 2022-2023

 Happy Tuesday, DEA Fam! Please familiarize yourselves with the Teacher Evaluation Flexibilities  (linked in post) for the 2022-2023 school year. As always, let your building rep know if you have any questions! XOXO, DEA

Updated 2022 DEA Constitution and Bylaws

 The updated DEA Constitution and Bylaws document is linked  here .

Welcome Back! Don't forget to order DEA t-shirts by Saturday, September 3!

Welcome back! The DEA leadership hopes that you had a relaxing and restorative summer. We will be updating this site throughout the year with important union-related information. Stay tuned for building rep updates and more! CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR DEA T-SHIRT!

CEA BLACK OUT #Blackout4SafeSchools JANUARY 12



 Thank you to those who attended our FMLA workshop! Here are some of the resources we provided during the workshop: Teacher Contract for Reference: Board FMLA Policy: Form Letter Template:

DEA Leadership Op-ed in the Darien Times

You can read the full piece here .  As always, feel free to reach out to your building rep or DEA leadership with your questions or concerns.